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2021 Blue Box Fees and Rules

2021 Blue Box Fee Rates In the Blue Box Program Transition Plan, Stewardship Ontario proposed to use MCD as a new input to fee-setting to provide better and more reliable data on the cost impacts of each material in the recycling system. Other Blue Box programs in Canada have already started the process of replacing […]

RPRA’s Consultation on the Proposed Blue Box Program Transition Plan

Thank you to all those who participated in Stewardship Ontario’s Blue Box Program Transition Plan consultation process throughout the spring and summer. After approval from the Board of Directors, Stewardship Ontario submitted its proposed Transition Plan to the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA). RPRA has posted the Transition Plan and its consultation information here. […]

Single-use Battery Program Final Invoice Delay and Financial Update Webinar Materials

Thank you to those who joined us for today’s webinar to review details around single-use battery steward fee reductions and the process for returning residual funds. The webinar materials are now available on the MHSW wind up webpage under ‘Single-use Battery Program Wind Up – June 30, 2020’. Final Single-use Battery Steward Invoices Delayed As noted during […]


The Stewardship Ontario Board has reviewed finances in light of the recent Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) approval of the Industry Stewardship Organization (ISO) Surplus Fund Transfer Addendum and has set initial fee reduction schedules for some MHSW materials. Please visit the MHSW Wind Up webpage for more information.


The Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority’s (RPRA) Board of Directors approved Stewardship Ontario’s ISO Surplus Fund Transfer Addendum to the MHSW Wind Up Plan. The addendum outlines the amount of surplus funds to be transferred to the Industry Stewardship Organizations (ISOs) as a lump sum and the process for Stewardship Ontario to recover reasonable unexpected costs related to the […]

MHSW Single-use battery program winds up June 30, 2020

As per Ministerial direction, the program for single-use batteries will wind up today, June 30, 2020. Stakeholders can find extensive wind up details outlined in the approved MHSW Wind Up Plan. A summary of key dates is below. Key dates for stewards: June 30, 2020: Single-use battery program terminates. July 31, 2020: Final supply report for Q2 data […]

Stewardship Ontario’s 2019 Annual Report

Stewardship Ontario, our partners and stakeholders are beginning to implement a multitude of changes brought on by the Waste-Free Ontario Act, 2016, and the province’s move toward a circular economy and full producer responsibility. We are pleased to share with you our 2019 multi-stakeholder Annual Report where you can learn more about these changes, as […]

Consultation on the Material Cost Differentiation Methodology

On June 25, 1:30 – 3:00 EDT, Canadian Stewardship Services Alliance (CSSA) held an information webinar to introduce the steward community to the Material Cost Differentiation (MCD) Methodology and its results. The Stewardship Ontario fee calculator tool is now available. Please provide feedback by July 23, 2020 to The MCD Methodology is a new […]

Blue Box Transition Plan Consultation Materials

The Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks directed Stewardship Ontario to wind up the Blue Box Program and develop a Transition Plan whereby stewards will be made fully responsible for both the funding and operation of residential recycling in the province under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016. As per the recent Minister’s […]

Arbitrator clarifies annual Blue Box funding obligation

A recent arbitrator’s decision has resolved a dispute between Stewardship Ontario and the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) about costs included in the Blue Box steward funding obligation. The annual steward funding obligation is the total amount that Ontario stewards must pay to municipalities for operating the Blue Box program and is the most […]