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Webinar: Fee reduction process for MHSW battery stewards

Stewardship Ontario is now implementing its approved Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste (MHSW) Wind Up Plan, beginning with the wind up of the single-use battery program by June 30, 2020. We invite battery stewards to attend an information webinar on January 27, 2020 from 10 – 11:30 a.m. to review the following: Overview of the of the fee reduction process for batteries Timelines and initial estimates of fee reduction disbursement Information a…

MHSW Wind Up Plan Approved

…provided to battery stewards shortly. During the transition period, Stewardship Ontario will continue to operate the MHSW Program without disruption. Any questions around wind up operations can be sent to Information about the new program that will replace the current MHSW program will be posted on RPRA’s website as it becomes available. Questions can be sent to RPRA at Stewardship Ontario would like…

2019 Annual Steward Meeting Materials

… The 2019 Annual Steward Meeting was hosted by CSSA on behalf of the stewardship programs on Thursday, October 24. It provided stewards with updates on packaging and paper recycling program performance along with next year’s program budgets and material fee rates. Below are links to the materials from the meeting: View the webinar 2020 BB Fee Calculation Model (PIM) (draft pending approval) …

Stewardship Ontario Institutes New Governance and Staffing Model to prepare to Move Toward Full Producer Responsibility

…tation and approval by December 31, 2019. The Stewardship Ontario Board welcomes its new Chair, Robyn Collver, and its new Executive Director, Gemma Zecchini whose appointment is effective November 1, 2019. The Board has also adopted a robust Conflict of Interest Mitigation Plan. For the current list of directors and management of Stewardship Ontario, see here. For copies of the August 15, 2019 Minister’s letter of direction to Stewardship Ontario…

Stewardship Ontario’s Proposed MHSW Wind Up Plan Submitted to RPRA

…he proposed Wind Up Plan prior to its consultations with stakeholders — please check the RPRA and Stewardship Ontario websites for updates. The Minister anticipates RPRA will approve the plan no later than December 31, 2019. Upon wind up, materials collected under the MHSW Program will be managed according to an individual producer responsibility framework under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016. Please email mhswwindup@stewards…

Changes to the MHSW Common Cost Allocation Methodology

… Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste (MHSW) Program Plan that changes how common costs are allocated to the MHSW material categories to determine steward costs. As such, Stewardship Ontario is implementing changes to its Common Cost Allocation (CCA) methodology, which will be reflected in steward invoices issued in October 2019. Click here for more information on the changes to the CCA methodology. Click here to view RPRA’s amendment to the MHSW …

2019 Annual Steward Meeting Webcast – Register Now

… Manitoba: 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. CDT Ontario: 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. EDT Register here The agenda for the ASM includes… Review and outlook: Executive Chair John Coyne will summarize recent achievements and look to what’s ahead for CSSA. Program reviews and fee previews: Detailed program and financial performance reviews for Recycle BC, MMSW, MMSM and Stewardship Ontario will include information on 2020 budgets and fees. Have your say: All attendees are invit…

Stewardship Ontario receives Minister’s direction letter to begin Blue Box transition

…ing the development and implementation of the plan. The plan shall support competition in, and not adversely affect, Ontario’s current and future marketplace for the collection and recovery of paper products and packaging. Ontarians’ access to and experience with the Blue Box Program shall not be negatively impacted during the transition. Stewardship Ontario looks forward to working with stewards, municipalities, First Nation communities, MECP, RP…

Blue Box Transition

…wardship Ontario does not have a role in the new model.  The first Ontario communities are scheduled to be transitioned to the new RRCEA framework beginning July 1, 2023, with the entire province operating under the new framework by December 31, 2025. After the transition is completed, Stewardship Ontario will be wound up as an organization. Approval and Implementation In December 2020, the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) appro…

Advisor report outlines transition to full producer responsibility for Ontario’s Blue Box Program

…andfill; MECP should identify material-specific targets; There should be a common collection system comprising a standardized list of materials; During transition, scope should be limited to residential recycling with expansion to multi-family and public space taking place after the transition period ends. IC&I should also be outside the initial scope; MECP should consult and finalize new regulations that specify how the blue box will move to prod…