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Single-use Battery Program Final Invoice Delay and Financial Update Webinar Materials

…binar materials are now available on the MHSW wind up webpage under ‘Single-use Battery Program Wind Up – June 30, 2020’. Final Single-use Battery Steward Invoices Delayed As noted during the webinar, Stewardship Ontario is waiting for resolution of a potentially significant steward adjustment. This means we need to delay issuance of the September 30 final steward invoices to allow us to include the anticipated steward adjustment in the fee reduct…

2019 Stewardship Ontario Annual Report

… are beginning to implement a multitude of changes brought on by the Waste-Free Ontario Act, 2016, and the province’s move toward a circular economy and full producer responsibility. We are pleased to share with you our 2019 multi-stakeholder Annual Report where you can learn more about these changes, as well as Stewardship Ontario’s partnerships, recycling initiatives, performance and financial stability. 2019 Highlights: Blue Box Program had a 6…

MHSW Single-use battery program winds up June 30, 2020

…vider incentive claims. Please visit the MHSW Wind Up webpage for all information related to the implementation of the approved MHSW Wind Up Plan and materials from our recent single-use battery program wind up steps webinar: Questions related to the wind up of the single-use battery program can be sent to For information related to the new single-use battery framework and regula…

Stewardship Ontario’s 2019 Annual Report

… are beginning to implement a multitude of changes brought on by the Waste-Free Ontario Act, 2016, and the province’s move toward a circular economy and full producer responsibility. We are pleased to share with you our 2019 multi-stakeholder Annual Report where you can learn more about these changes, as well as Stewardship Ontario’s partnerships, recycling initiatives, performance and financial stability. 2019 Highlights: Blue Box Program had a 6…

Consultation on the Material Cost Differentiation Methodology

…es for packaging and paper recycling programs. A critical input to the Four-Step Fee Methodology, it will allocate the gross cost of the recycling system (the largest component of a program’s annual budget) to all designated materials and will affect all stewards. It is principle-based and measures cost impacts in a fair and consistent way. The methodology will generate a Material Cost Index (MCI) that assigns a value to each material that express…

Consultation Materials on MHSW Wind Up Plan surplus fund amendments now available, feedback due May 22, 2020

…r’s directed amendments to the MHSW Wind Up Plan to return 100% of material-specific surplus funds to Industry Stewardship Organizations (ISOs) in one lump sum transfer. The presentation, webinar recordings and draft SO-ISO agreements are now available on the MHSW wind up webpage. We invite stakeholders to submit written feedback on the proposals discussed during the webinars to up until Friday May 22, 2020. We wil…

Consultations on Minister’s Directed Amendments to MHSW Wind Up Plan

…ments to the approved MHSW Wind Up Plan which would return 100% of material-specific surplus funds to Industry Stewardship Organizations (ISOs) in one lump sum transfer. In a second letter received this week, the Minister granted an extension for submitting the amendments to the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) to June 5, 2020 in order to allow sufficient meaningful consultation with stakeholders given the current situation with…

Webinar: Single-use Battery Program Final Wind Up Steps

…e webinar for stakeholders to access. If you have any questions on the wind up process, please contact us at For information related to the new single-use battery framework and regulations, please visit the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority’s website. …

Minister Directs Amendments to MHSW Wind Up Plan

…ments to the approved MHSW Wind Up Plan which would return 100% of material-specific surplus funds to Industry Stewardship Organizations (ISOs) in one lump sum transfer. In a second letter received this week, the Minister granted an extension for submitting the amendments to the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) to June 5, 2020 in order to allow sufficient meaningful consultation with stakeholders given the current situation with…

Minister grants extension for submitting Blue Box Program Transition Plan to RPRA

…ders, we asked the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks for a 60-day extension for submitting the transition plan to the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RRPA). The Minister has since granted Stewardship Ontario’s extension request in a letter received this week. This extension allows us to: Extend the stakeholder feedback deadline on transition plan proposals to July 8, 2020. Submit the transition plan to RPRA no later tha…