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Blue Box Simplified Fees Percentage Shares Available

…liminates the need for almost all stewards to report detailed annual supply-to-market data, reducing the administrative burden and program management costs during the Blue Box transition. Stewardship Ontario has calculated each steward’s allocation based on the percent share of the 2021 and 2022 invoice years (which were based on reports submitted in 2020 and 2021, respectively). To obtain your steward allocation percent share, log in to the WeRec…


…liminates the need for almost all stewards to report detailed annual supply-to-market data,… Read More October 27, 2022 2022 Annual Steward Meeting The 2022 Annual Steward Meeting (ASM) was held on Wednesday, October 26, and webcast via Zoom. ASM resources and related documents can be accessed by the below links: Read More July 14, 2022 MHSW Data Availability Notice Stewardship Ontario is completing the final steps to close the MHSW Program. Stewa…

Am I a Blue Box Steward?

…nerally involves having a “permanent establishment” or paying provincial income taxes. Supplying Designated Materials: This relates to providing items directly or indirectly to residential consumers. Industrial, Commercial and Institutional sales do not count as supply. Responsible Party: There is a hierarchy that determines which resident steward is responsible for supplied materials, going from brand owners to first importers. Franchisors are re…

Fees and Invoices

… in 2022, most current stewards will no longer need to report their annual supply data to Stewardship Ontario for the remaining years of the Blue Box Program, which ceases operations at the end of 2025. Annual fees will be calculated for each steward’s budget share, with the percentage based on individual steward fees for invoice years 2021 and 2022 (2019 and 2020 sales data years). Prior to simplified see setting (which will apply to stewards 202…

Transition Timeline

…g more than $1.78 billion from stewards to municipalities and First Nation communities that collect and manage materials. The below summarizes key milestones in the transition from the current shared responsibility model to a Blue Box system fully financed and operated by the producers that supply packaging and paper to Ontario residents. The Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks has issued the Blue Box Transition Schedule, which provide…

Simplified Fee Setting

…d fee setting eliminates the need for most stewards to report annual supply-to-market data, reducing the administrative burden and program management costs during the Blue Box transition. Simplified fee setting also avoids the potentially costly and confusing process of stewards reporting data to both Stewardship Ontario as well as to RPRA and a Producer Responsibility Organization under the new Blue Box Regulation. Approval and Implementation Sta…

About Us

About Stewardship Ontario Stewardship Ontario is a not-for-profit organization financed by the businesses that supply designated products, packaging and printed paper to the Ontario market. In partnership with Ontario municipalities and First Nations communities, Stewardship Ontario has operated the province’s Blue Box Program for recycling printed paper and packaging since 2004. The Ontario government is implementing a new approach to resource r…

Blue Box Simplified Fees Deadlines

…oice years 2021 and 2022 (2019 and 2020 sales data years). The deadline to complete a Steward-Initiated Adjustment Request for this sales data is July 31, 2022. Circumstances where the simplified fee setting model will not apply are detailed in the Policy for Simplified Steward Fee Setting During the Blue Box Wind Up. The policy requires stewards to provide notification to Stewardship Ontario by July 31, 2022, if the following qualifying events wi…

Blue Box Simplified Fees Approved

… can confirm that most stewards will no longer need to report their annual supply data to Stewardship Ontario. RPRA had provided conditional approval of simplified fee setting on March 2, 2022. Stewardship Ontario has now satisfied the conditions and the Rules for Stewards and the Policy that will guide implementation have been finalized. The Policy for Simplified Steward Fee Setting During the Blue Box Wind Up includes the following optional and …