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Minister Directs Amendments to MHSW Wind Up Plan

…ments to the approved MHSW Wind Up Plan which would return 100% of material-specific surplus funds to Industry Stewardship Organizations (ISOs) in one lump sum transfer. In a second letter received this week, the Minister granted an extension for submitting the amendments to the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) to June 5, 2020 in order to allow sufficient meaningful consultation with stakeholders given the current situation with…

Minister grants extension for submitting Blue Box Program Transition Plan to RPRA

…ion webinars on Blue Box Program Transition Plan proposals due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure meaningful consultations can still occur with all Blue Box stakeholders, we asked the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks for a 60-day extension for submitting the transition plan to the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RRPA). The Minister has since granted Stewardship Ontario’s extension request in a letter received this wee…

Steward reporting extension and options

… reporting assistance, please contact our National Steward Services team: 1-888-980-9549 or CSSA, on behalf of Recycle BC, MMSW, MMSM and Stewardship Ontario, understands your need to prioritize your activities as the situation continues to affect businesses across Canada. Together, we extend our thanks for your efforts to support the health and safety of your customers, colleagues and communities. MHSW update on reporting…

RFP: Curbside, Multi-Residential and Depot Waste Composition Studies

…esidential, depot based residential collection and multi-residential waste composition studies in a number of selected municipalities in Ontario. The contractor will be responsible for collecting, sorting and classifying curbside residential and depot residential materials. Multi-residential wastes will be delivered to the sorting site and the contractor will be responsible for sampling, where required, sorting and classifying the materials. The d…

Consultations on Blue Box Program Windup Plan

…r groups during wind up. Tuesday, April 7, 2020 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.: Steward community 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.: Municipalities, First Nations communities and the waste management industry Wednesday, April 8, 2020 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.: Environment non-government organizations and other stakeholders Please visit the Blue Box Wind Up webpage to learn more and register. The consultation webinars will be an opportunity to review and comment on how Stewardship Ontar…

Residual funds addendum to MHSW Wind Up Plan approved by RPRA

…nd share formula. Residual fund payments will not be issued if stewards are entitled to less than $25.00. As indicated in the residual funds addendum, Stewardship Ontario will endeavor to minimize the amount of residual funds left in the program following the completion of outstanding operational and financial obligations. Stewards will receive updated financial forecasts throughout the wind up process, including any adjustments to anticipated res…

Webinar: Fee reduction process for MHSW battery stewards

…Special Waste (MHSW) Wind Up Plan, beginning with the wind up of the single-use battery program by June 30, 2020. We invite battery stewards to attend an information webinar on January 27, 2020 from 10 – 11:30 a.m. to review the following: Overview of the of the fee reduction process for batteries Timelines and initial estimates of fee reduction disbursement Information and timelines regarding final invoices Overview of Steward Rules in relation t…

MHSW Wind Up Plan Approved

…tember. MHSW Rules for Stewards With the approval of the Wind Up Plan also comes the approval of the Rules for Stewards (Appendix A of the plan). The Rules outline steward reporting and payment obligations for the period commencing January 1, 2020 until wind up of the MHSW Program. Next Steps Stewardship Ontario will now implement the approved MHSW Wind Up Plan, with the program for single-use batteries terminating on June 30, 2020, and all other …

Stewardship Ontario’s Proposed MHSW Wind Up Plan Submitted to RPRA

Stewardship Ontario has submitted its proposed MHSW Wind Up Plan to the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) by the Minister’s September 30, 2019 deadline. RPRA is expected to post the proposed Wind Up Plan prior to its consultations with stakeholders — please check the RPRA and Stewardship Ontario websites for updates. The Minister anticipates RPRA will approve the plan no later than December 31, 2019. Upon wind up, materials coll…

Changes to the MHSW Common Cost Allocation Methodology

… Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste (MHSW) Program Plan that changes how common costs are allocated to the MHSW material categories to determine steward costs. As such, Stewardship Ontario is implementing changes to its Common Cost Allocation (CCA) methodology, which will be reflected in steward invoices issued in October 2019. Click here for more information on the changes to the CCA methodology. Click here to view RPRA’s amendment to the MHSW …